Ardo CSR rapport 2023 - Flipbook - Page 34
We are Ardo
The path to a more
sustainable food system
Minimal environmental
Food safety, quality
and innovation
Respect for
our employees
Relationship with
our stakeholders
Good governance
Reducing waste
Producing fresh frozen vegetables, herbs and fruit automatically generates a variety of
of raw materials that have entered our processing and production units.
Spearheading the fight
against food loss
This involves carefully managing raw materials, optimising production efficiency and
Ardo is an advocate in the fight against
fine-tuning machine operations to minimise waste and reduce food loss. In 2024, for
food waste. For instance, we are one of the
instance, we will introduce a cutting-edge, high-tech machine designed to perform a
founders of the International Food Waste
more detailed screening of vegetables. This machine can precisely cut out small marks
Coalition (IFWC), a value chain collaboration
or irregularities, eliminating the need to discard the entire product.
that organises action-oriented programmes.
waste streams. Our first priority is to reduce the amount of waste and maximise the yield
We evaluate the amount of food that is
The waste that remains after our efforts, will be valorised as much as possible. For
wasted throughout the entire production
instance, by using vegetable waste as organic fuel for energy generation. Our anaerobic
chain, from the point of harvest to the
digestion plants in Ardooie and Geer (and soon in Violaines) convert vegetable residues
consumption of the end products. Our
into biogas. This biogas fuels the generators that convert it into green electricity, with the
ambition is to minimise the food waste,
residual heat applied for steam production.
quite literally from Farm to Fork.
We also valorise the by-products of our anaerobic digestion processes. These by-products
are converted into organic fertiliser, which is used by our farmers to grow the crops for the
following season.
While the projects detailed are specific to some of our sites, the same principles and
sustainability practices are progressively being adopted across the entire Ardo Group.
Green electricity and green steam generated at the biomethanisation plant in Ardooie (BE)