Ardo CSR rapport 2023 - Flipbook - Page 22
We are Ardo
The path to a more
sustainable food system
Minimal environmental
Food safety, quality
and innovation
Respect for
our employees
Relationship with
our stakeholders
Good governance
The following day, during our Customer Day, we conducted a series of inquiries
with our customers regarding the sustainability of their businesses. The responses
Supporting our customers’
sustainability journey
unveiled that a significant 90% of the attendees see a clear impact from climate
change on their business, underscoring the prioritisation of climate resilience on
their company’s agenda.
Companies are increasingly setting up sustainability
However, the panelists also expressed the challenges and financial risks borne
strategies, a trend that we also observe among our
by farmers during the transition to more sustainable practices, emphasising the
customers. They are setting targets to reduce their
need for innovative solutions and collaborative support, particularly through
carbon emissions, promote sustainable agriculture,
partnerships across the value chain.
and improve packaging, among others. In this context,
they want to collaborate with their suppliers to assist
Finally, during the last 2 days of "Let’s Meet In the Field", we invited our farmers
in realising their sustainability objectives.
and suppliers for a more technical deep dive into our MIMOSA+ principles and
to demonstrate our commitment to supporting their transition to regenerative
This is where our commitment becomes evident.
agriculture. We remain committed to close collaboration, offering training and
We want to support the sustainability priorities of
co-investing in cutting-edge agricultural machinery. Our agronomists will actively
our customers. In fact, we choose to prioritise
guide pilot farms in the implementation of regenerative agriculture principles,
customers who align with our sustainability values
with the overarching objective to support all our farmers transitioning to
and actively contribute to the shift toward a more
regenerative practices by 2030. We acknowledge the crucial role farmers play
sustainable food system.
in this transition and aim to mitigate the initial risks associated with it.
Panel on the climate challenges