Ardo CSR rapport 2023 - Flipbook - Page 13
We are Ardo
The path to a more
sustainable food system
Minimal environmental
Food safety, quality
and innovation
Respect for
our employees
4. Thinking global, acting local
At Ardo, we are driven by a global vision, as we
aim to make nutritious food accessible to people
worldwide. To realise this ambition in a sustainable
way, we embrace the principles of proximity:
“Our ‘glocal’ approach means we can
react more efficiently and anticipate
our customers’ quickly developing
needs and wants.”
Close to our crops
Margot Haspeslagh Group Supply Chain Director
We operate 17 production, packaging and distribution facilities in
8 countries across Europe’s most fertile crop-growing regions. By
keeping our factories close to our fields, we minimise the time
between harvesting and preserving the natural goodness of our
products in our freezers.
Close to our customers
We have sales offices in Europe and in the Americas. In this way,
we ensure our customers always have a local Ardo representative
nearby. This approach enables us to be proactive and respond
quickly to the rapidly evolving needs and desires of our customers.
Global vision
Our headquarters and production site in Ardooie (Belgium)
Our sales office in Montreal (Canada)
Whilst having a local approach for growing our crops and serving our
Over the past few years, we have expanded our global reach
customers, we still aim to take advantage of our scale and enable
through strategic mergers and acquisitions. In 2014, Ardo merged
the sharing of best practices across the group. Moreover, we try to
with Dujardin Foods when the second generation of these two
leverage our geographical spread as part of our climate adaptation so
companies, founded by two brothers, decided to join forces.
that when one region is hit by extreme weather, production
Three years later, we acquired VLM Foods, establishing our
in other regions can compensate for the associated impact.
presence in the United States and Canada and, simultaneously,
securing a substantial stake in Compañia Frutera La Paz, the
leading processor of fresh frozen pineapple in Costa Rica.
Relationship with
our stakeholders
Good governance