EU-EN Cat24 - Catalog - Page 72
The original and revolutionary light-activated toothbrush from Japan
with superior plaque removing ability - proven by published clinical trials.
Used daily by millions of satisfied people worldwide!
Contrary to intuition, technology can
sometimes be used to enable natural
use a very small amount of your preferred
toothpaste on the bristles, although this is
not necessary with Soladey-eco.
The Soladey-eco Ionic Toothbrush is an
innovative toothbrush that converts light
energy into ions that help break down
dental plaque, resulting in a cleaner,
healthier mouth. Toothpaste is not required.
Your own saliva is the active ingredient.
Oral hygiene now becomes not only natural,
but also economical!
Make sure there is always an adequate
light source (natural or artificial) on the
semiconductor rod as this is needed for
activation. If necessary, the mouth should
be kept partly open while brushing.
How it works
When exposed to any light source
(a fluorescent bathroom light, a plain
light bulb, or sunlight), the photosensitive
titanium rod inside Soladey-eco converts
light into negatively charged electrons
(ions). The rod releases these ions, which
blend with saliva to attract positive
(hydrogen) ions from the acid in dental
plaque. The acid is then neutralised and
plaque is disintegrated.
How to use Soladey-eco
After wetting the bristles and semiconductor
with water, brush your teeth lightly and
thoroughly in the same way as with an
ordinary toothbrush. You may, if you wish,
Once finished, you may rinse your mouth if
you prefer, but it is not necessary.
Replaceable brush heads and a handle
made to last
With sensible care, the brush handle and
titanium dioxide rod will last for years. It is
recommended that you replace the brush
head every 2-3 months. Brush heads are
easy to replace at a very reasonable cost.
This means that you can use the Soladeyeco toothbrush at a cost comparable to a
regular toothbrush.