FSP Playbook v11 - Flipbook - Page 3
the One FSP
I am pleased and proud to share the
One FSP Playbook with you. This is a living,
breathing representation of our cultural DNA,
setting out our purpose, values, and Winning
Behaviours that we believe will continue to
set us apart. As we continue to grow, this
Playbook will help us maintain the golden
thread of why we exist, what we believe in
and how we work.
I would firstly like to thank everyone across
the business for their input and buy-in to get
to this point. Our culture is something that
has been developing and evolving since
our starting in 2012. We have achieved
many accolades and admirers, but, more
importantly, created so many special
moments that really matter.
FSP culture is everything to me. As I often
say to people, it is the number one reason
people join us, and the number one reason
people stay. It is truly lived here, and I am
immensely proud of everyone for being
part of this and shaping it into the future.
I hope that from reading this, you get a
powerful sense of who we are at FSP, what
we aspire to, what makes us tick and how we
are different. We are committed to people,
ensuring belonging, fairness and creating
opportunities for everyone.
We must always put a lens of excellence
onto everything we do and figure out how
we will be better. We are ambitious about
positive change in the world. It starts by role
modelling it and taking personal responsibility
for making things happen here at FSP. We
should always be looking for ways to move
forward, improve ourselves, learn and make
changes that improve the status quo.