ARRvol34 master reduced - Flipbook - Page 104
Don’t have sex with your roommate’s girlfriend because you think
you’re going to save her. You’re really just being stupid.
Brian and I were on the balcony. I don’t remember being able to
hear the others, because, unlike the bedroom door, the sliding glass
one was almost soundproof. Brian and I were talking about a mutual friend who had almost murdered Brian because of something
stupid he had done with our friend’s wife.
I’m not sure I was listening to what Brian was saying, but I heard
Ashley leave. She slammed the front door, which was surprising
because it hadn’t happened before. I didn’t see her walk down the
stairs leading away from the apartment, so she had to be by the
front door a few feet away from the leftmost edge of the balcony.
“What’s going on?”
Brian replied, “Don’t worry about it, dude. It’s probably stupid.”
What I remember Ashley telling me later was that she thought Katie had some kind of STD and that Bobby had tried to initiate (with
the insinuation that he had tried to impose) more inclusive relaxation. Good story, I was ready to suspend disbelief, whatever.
Katie was in the kitchen, drinking something green and playing
with her phone. Brian stayed on the balcony, texting someone. “You
know what, Bowie?” Bobby asked as I came through the sliding
glass door to the balcony, intending to follow Ashley. He had started
playing some game with colorful half-dressed purple women. “I’m
done with that fucking bitch. You wanna shotgun again?”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, there’s still a lot of beer.”