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Final Thought
Blessed by God. Fearless by Nature. United In Freedom.
Freedom is the principal human right. It is God-given and
Stand with America’s Future and re-commit to our
enshrined in our founding documents. The men who wrote
God-given rights, responsibilities, and opportunities
those documents were thinking not just about themselves
inherent to freedom. Let’s commit to showing pride in our
but were laying the course for the future of this country. That
great country every day. Americans will live as we were
is, they were also thinking about us, our children, our
born to live — in freedom.
children’s children, and all the way down the line. Proof of
their care and forethought to protect freedom for us and
Free Born. American Proud.
later generations is the U.S. Constitution – the unbreakable
link tying us to them and to future American generations.
With freedom comes responsibility – to be accountable, to
be engaged, to act with conviction, to be informed. It also
comes with opportunity — opportunity as large and
expansive as our great nation.
Opportunity to determine your own future. Opportunity to
choose your path to happiness. Opportunity to raise your
children in your home without interference. Opportunity to
question government without retribution. Opportunity to
show pride in our uniquely, exceptional nation.
Opportunity to influence America, too, when and where
you are able like at your local school board meeting. And
the opportunity to stand resolute for your freedom without
fear. God did not make us Americans to live in fear.
Pledge of Allegiance
I pledge allegiance to the
Flag of the United States of
America, and to the Republic
for which it stands, one Nation
under God, indivisible, with
liberty and justice for all.