Alexandria Jones March 20th 2023 - Flipbook - Page 4
It is us, as speakers and listeners, who are able to give
power and life to words, attributing them with as much
meaning and significance as we can to convey the intensity of the intangible string of letters. We are able to form
sentences that work together in harmony and could even
evoke physical reactions like laughter or tears, all depending on how they flow together.
Words are a descriptive crutch that allows us to decide
how we use them. Feelings are detached from them unless
we give them the ability to be shaped to mean whatever we
want them to mean. There are endless indications to even
a singular word just by intentional tones and how it’s being
used that determine their effect. We can use the word “forgive” to mend relationships, restoring peace to difficult situations. Yet, if used maliciously, it can be used to weaponize or manipulate in an attempt to cause harm.