Chapter 2: Building forSuccess: Essential CapabilitiesTo WinJust as the e昀昀ectiveness of technology is undermined by ine昀케cient processes,so too is the e昀昀ectiveness of process when the right capabilities aren’t present.These capabilities – encapsulating everything fromtechnology and people to organisational structureand culture – are what make business processescome to life and deliver the outcomes for which theywere designed.In the Altus Capability model below, we segmentthese capabilities into multiple distinct categoriesaccounting for every possible piece of activity withinan insurance company.Capability ModelINSURANCE COMPANYCapital ManagementProposition ManagementCustomerManagementDistributionManagementPolicyAdministrationClaimsManagementUnderwriting ManagementPortfolioManagementBusiness ClassDevelopmentProductUnderwritingPolicyUnderwritingPricingManagementSupporting Business CapabilitiesBusinessManagementFinancialManagementOrganisationSupportFigure 2.1: Altus Consulting Capability Framework14
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