Air Liquide Indonesia Product Catalog - Catalog - Page 32
5. Premium Products
On-site generators solutions
Our FLOXAL™ onsite gas generation systems
offer a full range of on-site generators that
provide optimally sized, customized solutions for
your specific requirements. Our services include:
installation, operation and maintenance,
telemonitored performance tracking, full backup. We will work with you to identify the
optimal gas supply solution for your facility by:
Determining the accurate usage patterns
Evaluating opportunities to optimize nitrogen
Considering growth potential and the impact
on future gas requirements
Identifying potential cost savings
FLOXAL™ is fitting the needs of customers of various market segments such as
Materials and Energy, Food and Pharma, Automotive and Fabrication,
Technology and Research, and applications, with below profile:
Needs O2, N2, H2 in gas phase, purity can be
produced by generators.
Relatively high level of demand (to have lower cost
than bulk), best to supplied by dedicated
Continuous operation, stable flow rate, allowing
generator to run continuously with most utilization.
Needs uninterrupted supply of gas with full backup, even during utility failure.
Needs dedicated local production to minimize
transportation risks.
Minimized cost by optimized investment, efficient
energy consumption and reduced carbon footprint.