Air Liquide Indonesia Product Catalog - Catalog - Page 12
2. Supply Mode
2.4.2 Cylinder Pallet
Cylinder pallet is used extensively in the shipyard and
construction sectors and is the preffered choice for our
customers who are seeking convenience and safety. Since
the pallet normally come in 4 to 16 cylinders bundles,
customers do not need to change cylinders as frequently as
compared to individual cylinder.
Cylinders that are bundled in pallet are more robust. Their
stability and mobility make them well-suited to the shipyard
and construction industries.
2.4.3 Liquid Gas Cylinder
A LIquid Gas Cylinder (LGC) is a portable super-insulated
vacuum vessel holding liquid Argon, Carbon Dioxide,
Nitrogen, and Oxygen. LGC is normally supplied as an
intermediate gas system between bulk storage tank or
vacuum insulated evaporator (VIE) which can be used
individually or in conjuction with a manifold system.