2020 Introduction of Foundation and Board1 - Flipbook - Page 17
Our Board of Directors consists of 13 persons who are appointed by the Pastor, the Deacons, or nominated and elected as At-Large Members by
the Board itself. The current Board of Directors consist of:
PRESIDENT: Deacon Patricia M. Wallace was elected President of the Foundation Board in 2019. She
previously served as Vice-President of the Foundation for 2009-2015 before being elected Chair of the
Board of Deacons for 2016-2018. She has served as a deacon at ASBC since 2000, and served as Vice
Chair of the Pulpit Committee that called Pastor Howard-John Wesley as ASBC’s 8th pastor in 2008. Professionally, Deacon Wallace retired as an Engineering Center Manager for Northrop Grumman Corporation
following a long career in software development and project management. She has a B.S. degree from NC
A&T State University in Engineering Mathematics. She has been a member of ASBC since 1983. She is
chairman of the Executive Committee.
VICE PRESIDENT (SCHOLARSHIPS): The Honorable Julia D. Gibbs is Vice President for Scholarships.
She has led the Foundation’s scholarship efforts since the beginning of the scholarship program in 2007.
Professionally, she served as a Federal Administrative Law Judge and Appeals Judge with the Social Security Administration for 25 years after working as a senior attorney in the White House, the Department of
Labor, Department of Education, and a corporate law firm. She has a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics
from Wellesley College and a law degree from Harvard Law School. She has been a member of ASBC
since 1987. She is chairman of the Scholarship Committee.
VICE PRESIDENT (FUNDRAISING): Dr. Alton S. Wallace is the former President of the Foundation, having
served during 2006-2009. He was the visionary in developing the current scholarship program and introducing the Millennium and Legacy Scholarship constructs. He served on the ASBC Board of Deacons, 19882019 and served on all five ASBC’s Constitution & Bylaws Committees. He recently retired as Historian of
ASBC, having served from 2000-2018, at which time he authored its history book, I ONCE WAS YOUNG.
Professionally, he served as a mathematician/director at one of the nation’s premier defense think-tanks. Dr.
Wallace holds B.S. degree in Engineering Mathematics from NC A&T State University, and degrees in Mathematics from Penn State University (M.S.) and from the University of Maryland, College Park (Ph.D.). He
has been a member of ASBC since 1983. He is chairman of the Fundraising Committee.
SECRETARY: Deacon Patricia M. Johnson has been a member of the Foundation since 2010. She is a
former Chair of the Deacons at ASBC, having served from 2009-2015. She holds the distinction of being
the first female Chair of the Board of Deacons. Professionally Deacon Johnson was an educator having
taught in Prince George’s County School system for 36 years. She received her undergraduate degree in
Physical Education from NC Central University, Durham, NC, and her masters in Supervision and Administration from Trinity College in Washington, DC. She has been a member of ASBC since 1975. She is
chairman of the Correspondence Committee.
TREASURER: Deacon Terrill L. Garrison has been treasurer of the Foundation since 2010. He is responsible for all financial/fiduciary matters for the Foundation, to include tax reporting and compliance. Deacon
Garrison holds an undergraduate degree in Economics from the University of Pittsburgh and an MBA from
Howard University. He spent his professional career with the Federal Reserve Board specializing in Finance, Accounting and Auditing where he published current audit policies for large Domestic and International Banking Organizations. He is a Certified Public Accountant, with expertise in individual, corporate,
partnership and nonprofit taxes. Deacon Garrison has served as an ASBC deacon since 2009 and was
President of the Men’s Ministry. He joined ASBC in 1990. He is chairman of the Finance Committee and
serves on the Investment Subcommittee.