الإنتاج البحثي لأعضاء هيئة التدريس بالكلية V.8 - Flipbook - Page 94
distributed to 108 student teachers taking the same course, which utilized an inquiry, problem
solving, and digital-based learning design. Using exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses,
four factors emerged, including: interest and motivation, teamwork self-efficacy, socio-cultural
support, and team support. The findings have important educational implications for promoting
student teachers’ agency in similar educational contexts.
(40) Sawalhi, R., & Chaaban, Y. (2021). Mentor teachers’ and student teachers’ perspectives
toward teacher leadership. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 29(1), 70-88.
The current study adopted the Teacher Leadership Inventory (TLI) to understand the perceptions
of mentor teachers and student teachers towards teacher leadership, and identify the variables which
affected these perspectives. A one-way ANOVA was used to determine whether there were any
statistically significant differences between their perceptions on the four factors of the TLI, as well
as several demographic variables. Findings revealed that mentor teachers had significantly higher
scores than student teachers on two factors; Shared Expertise and Shared Leadership. Further, the
demographic variables of years of experience, nationality, and gender affected the mentor teachers’
perceptions towards the three factors of Shared Leadership, Supra-Practitioner and Principal
Selection respectively. While years of experience affected the student teachers’ perspectives
towards the Principal Selection factor. Therefore, these differences should be taken into
consideration by teacher education institutions, mentor teachers, and school principals, specifically
during the student teachers’ practicum experiences.
(41) Chaaban, Y., & Sawalhi, R. (2021). A professional agency perspective on novice teachers’
development of a teacher leadership stance. Journal of School Leadership,
The purpose of this study was to explore novice teachers’ perceptions of profes- sional agency in
facilitating their development of a teacher leadership stance during the initial years of their work.
Participants were thirteen novice teachers who had less than three years of teaching experience in
Qatari government schools. Analysis of interview data revealed that novice teachers perceived
professional agency in their reflections on university preparation; their commitment to students’
social and emo- tional well-being; and their “becoming” a teacher. They further practiced agency
in their relationships with other teachers, and in their contributions to the wider school context.
Accordingly, a total of six novice teachers reported a clear teacher leadership stance. By contrast,
enacting professional agency was restricted according to seven novice teachers due to the presence
of contextual factors which hindered their development of a teacher leadership stance. Implications
of these findings to teacher education and school administration are discussed.
(42) Chaaban, Y., Qadhi, S., & Du, X. (2021). Student teachers’ agency in the transition to
emergency online learning. Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 26(2), 231-255.
This study was conducted during the transition to emergency online learning, imposed by the spread
of a worldwide pandemic known as COVID-19. The study aimed to examine the factors that
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