الإنتاج البحثي لأعضاء هيئة التدريس بالكلية V.8 - Flipbook - Page 92
and Qatar) participated in the study. Following Turbulence Theory and an ecological framework,
the study adopted in-depth semi-structured interviews to respond to the following queries: (1) What
were the major actions taken by school leaders during the crisis? (2) What were the resemblances
and disparities between school leaders’ practices across the five countries? Findings of the study
revealed different levels of turbulence among school leaders within the same country and across
the five countries. In addition, participants revealed valuable insight pertaining to changed
leadership and educational practices in their schools in a post-COVID era. Further conclusions and
implications are fully discussed.
(35) Chaaban, Y., Sawalhi, R., & Du, X. (2021). Exploring teacher leadership for professional
learning in response to educational disruption in Qatar. Professional Development in Education,
48(3), 426-443. https://doi.org/10.1080/19415257.2021.1973070
The current study aimed to explore the way teacher leadership for professional learning was
manifested during the disruption to education caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants
were recruited from three public and three private schools in Qatar, and included a total of 12
primary teachers and six school principals. A phenomenological research design was employed
using interviews for data collection. The analysis of the data revealed eleven themes distributed
across the five principles of leadership for learning, used as the theoretical framework in the study.
Findings revealed participants’ engagement in many instances of leadership practices, which were
focused on learning in the broadest sense, thus encompassing student learning, their own
professional learning, and the learning of other teachers in their schools and communities.
However, several factors emerged as constraining teacher leadership for learning in the different
school contexts, which carry important implications for educational leaders, teachers, and systems
in the aftermath of the pandemic.
(36) Chaaban, Y., Arar, K., Sawalhi, R., Alhouti, I., & Zohri, A. (2021). Exploring teachers’
professional agency within shifting educational contexts: A comparative study of MENA countries.
Teaching and Teacher Education, 106, 103451. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2021.103451
This study explored teachers' professional agency in response to shifting educational contexts
caused by the COVID-19 pandemic across four participating countries. Findings from this
qualitative comparative study revealed that the forty-six participants enacted agency in initiating
teaching and learning activities for students, engaging in individual and collaborative learning
opportunities, and establishing new partnerships with multiple stakeholders. However, teachers’
ability to practice professional agency was either supported or hindered due to several factors which
varied between the public and private sectors within and across the participating countries.
Implications on practice, professional development and policy for a post-pandemic era are
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