الإنتاج البحثي لأعضاء هيئة التدريس بالكلية V.8 - Flipbook - Page 84
failure of policymakers and school administrations to establish systemic and systematic systems
that support teacher leaders. Recommendations for researchers and practitioners are provided.
(10) Qadhi, S., Du, X., Chaaban, Y., Al-Thani, H., & Floyd, A. (2023). The role identities of
women middle management academic leaders in STEM higher education. European Journal of
Engineering Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/03043797.2023.2263377
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(11) Chaaban, Y., Al-Thani, H., & Du, X. (2023). University teachers’ professional agency for
learning and leading sustainable change. Professional Development in Education, 49(6), 978-993.
Using social constructivist theories of adult learning and complexity thinking perspectives, a longterm, multi-tiered professional development (PD) programme was designed, implemented and
evaluated at Qatar University. This qualitative study explored the systems of influence on 24
university teachers’ professional agency for learning and leading sustainable change throughout
their participation in the programme. Within the context of educational change, university teachers’
professional agency refers to their ability to exercise control, take stances, make choices and exert
influence in ways that impact their learning and leading sustainable change. Using multiple sources
of data, participants reported supports and constraints to their professional agency within multiple
systems. These systems of influence included factors within the personal, PD programme,
department/college, and university systems. Findings revealed variations in university teachers’
willingness and capacity to examine previously held beliefs, design innovative pedagogies, and
become change agents. The findings underscore the notion of emergence as an explicit
characteristic of learning and leading change within and across complex systems. Future iterations
of the programme, and similarly constructed programmes in higher education contexts, should
consider the systems of influence on university teachers’ professional agency for learning and make
concerted efforts to support their ability to lead sustainable change.
(12) Du, X., Chaaban, Y., Al-Thani, H., & Lundberg, A. (2023). University teachers’
professional learning for academic development: Q methodology research. International Journal
for Academic Development, https://doi.org/10.1080/1360144X.2023.2265891.
This article reports on an evaluation study of the Qatar University Pedagogical Development (PD)
Program. The PD program advocated pedagogical advancement towards student-centered learning
(SCL), which has been highlighted as an important part of the university’s overall strategy. This
study explored 30 university teachers’ perspectives on the sources that best supported their
professional learning from this long-term PD program. Q methodology research was adopted to
collect and analyze data qualitatively and quantitatively. A three-dimensional theoretical
framework addressing individual characteristics, choice of actions, and interactions with the
environment was used to generate the data collection tool. Q factor analysis yielded four diverse
viewpoints as follows: 1) applying newly-learned pedagogical knowledge and skills to prac- tice,
2) being provided supportive environmental conditions, 3) developing new pedagogical beliefs,
and 4) taking agentic actions. The implications of this study emphasized institutional systemic and
systematic supports as essential for long-term success of academic development.
(13) Al-Thani, H., Chaaban, Y., & Du, X. (2023). Factors influencing discipline-specific
facilitators’ roles in a multi-tiered professional learning programme in higher education. Research
in Post-Compulsory Education, 3(28), 530-549. https://doi.org/10.1080/13596748.2023.2221123
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