الإنتاج البحثي لأعضاء هيئة التدريس بالكلية V.8 - Flipbook - Page 62
approaches: retrieval practice and spaced learning. These were then combined with SOLO
Taxonomy, a hierarchical system of learning words, to form a system in classrooms which could
help pupils achieve deeper knowledge and understanding of a topic. The study seeks to examine
whether the system is effective. With increased emphasis put upon the teaching of foundation
subjects through Ofsted’s 2019 framework, it has become prescient to consider the struggles of
primary school teachers who are not subject specialists. Accordingly, the system being studied was
also devised to signpost less confident teachers through the knowledge and thus potentially help
them, as non-experts, to better teach science and foundation subjects. This study demonstrates that
the system has promise for helping non-experts, which in turn leads to improved learning and
retention of knowledge.
(10) Balfaqeeh, A. & Mansour, N.; Forawi, S. (2022). Factors Influencing Students’
Achievements in the Content and Cognitive Domains in TIMSS 4th Grade Science and
Emirates. Education
Sciences, 12,
https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci12090618. (Indexed Scopus, Q1, IF 3.0 and WoS, IF 1.46)
Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) is a comparative international
assessment study conducted by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational
Achievement (IEA). TIMSS aims to study how educational opportunities are provided for students
and what factors are associated with these opportunities. The purpose of this study was to examine
the student factors in the United Arab Emirates that have an association with grade 4 students’
TIMSS 2015 results in the content and cognitive domains in the subjects of mathematics and
science. The study adopted the quantitative research approach through the data analysis of TIMSS
2015 for grade 4 students in these subjects. The study sample consisted of 21,177 students enrolled
in 372 UAE private schools and 186 public schools. The percentage of grade 4 girls who
participated in the study was 48%, while the percentage of boys was 52%. A multiple linear
regression analysis was conducted to examine the most influential student factors that impact on
science and maths achievement. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was implemented to examine
the relationships between student factors and the content and cognitive domains of mathematics
and science in the TIMSS 2015 results. The findings showed that the student factors with a positive
association with student achievement were having breakfast on school days, engaging teaching in
mathematics lessons, liking learning science, and confidence in mathematics and science. There
was a non-significant correlation between gender and mathematics and science achievement. A
surprising finding was that “liking learning mathematics” had a negative association with student
performance in that subject. There was a positive association between student engagement and
mathematics achievement, while the association between the engagement in science lessons and
student performance was found to be insignificant.
(11) Eltanahy, M., & Mansour, N. (2022). Promoting UAE Entrepreneurs Using E-STEM Model.
Journal of Educational Research. https://doi.org/10.1080/00220671.2022.2124218 (Indexed
Scopus, Q1, IF 2.8 and WoS, IF 0.82)
Although students’ STEM designs are widely admired by teachers, relatively little attention has
been given to making use of these designs by incorporating a basic understanding of the market to
create new values for communities. The E-STEM model was developed to promote entrepreneurial
practices into STEM disciplines and prepare students for the market. Yet, little is explored
regarding the teaching pedagogy of E-STEM model and its outcomes. A qualitative case study was
conducted to explore E-STEM experiences of high school students and to further explore teachers’
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