الإنتاج البحثي لأعضاء هيئة التدريس بالكلية V.8 - Flipbook - Page 59
Additionally, the study sheds light on the influence of space, time, and texts in understanding NoS
through e-facilitated online dialogic discussions. Notably, the research emphasizes the live chat
room’s significance within Interloc, accentuating its role as a social space fostering a sense of
community and a safe environment for inquiry in online dialogue which supported understanding
(3) Jo, C., Roshan, M., & Mansour, N. (2024). Exploring EMI in STEM disciplines: a case
study of KAIST, Cogent Education, 11:1, DOI: 10.1080/2331186X.2024.2321830 (Indexed
Scopus, Q2, IF 1.60 and WoS, IF 0.70)
This research aims to overview the English-medium instruction (EMI) situation in Korean Higher
education (HE), briefly describing and studying HE policies and examining their impact on Korean
teachers and students. The case of the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
(KAIST) has been addressed and investigated intensively in the Korean context concerning STEM.
It is significant to examine the 21st-century controversial issues regarding English Medium
Instruction (EMI) implementation in Korean HE, focusing on a case study of the ‘KAIST’. Notably,
the issue of EMI has been questioned across Korean society and educational fields. This research
focuses on reviewing relevant literature and analysing it in detail to learn how KAIST helps us
understand Koreans’ EMI pedagogy methods and education-related (Korea’s EMI policy
implementation in general and EMI’s impact on students and teachers) issues. However, the
secondary materials are based on press reports, public statements of the people concerned, and
statistical data. It lays the groundwork for a step deeper future qualitative or quantitative approaches
to the case of KAIST for the improvement and success of EMI in Korean HE. It has been found
that modern EMI pedagogy methods can lower excessive pressure so that students and teachers can
educate and enjoy the EMI education policy.
(4) Mansour, N., Said, Z., & Abu-Tineh, A., (in press). Science and Mathematics Teachers'
TPACK Competencies for STEM and PBL. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and
Technology Education. (Indexed Scopus, Q1, Cite score 4.2)
STEM educators encounter the dual challenge of not only possessing expertise in their respective
subject areas but also in the pedagogical skills necessary for implementing integrated STEM
lessons. However, research indicates a deficiency in teachers' pedagogical competencies,
specifically in project-based learning (PBL) within the STEM context. To address this gap, this
study investigates teachers' competencies and self-efficacy in Technological Pedagogical Content
Knowledge (TPACK) and its specific integration with PBL and STEM content. A questionnaire
was administered to 245 specialized science and math teachers to gather relevant data. The study
underscores the importance of addressing gender imbalances, supporting formal teacher education,
and acknowledging the expertise and experiences of STEM teachers in effectively integrating
technology. Results reveal gender-related differences in self-efficacy beliefs, with females
exhibiting higher confidence in pedagogical knowledge and males demonstrating greater
confidence in technological knowledge. Teaching experience and workload factors minimally
affect teachers' TPACK. These findings contribute to our comprehension of contextual factors
influencing science and math teachers' self-efficacy in utilizing TPACK for STEM and PBL. They
also provide insights for designing targeted interventions, professional development programs, and
support systems to enhance teachers' competencies and self-efficacy in TPACK for teaching
science and mathematics through STEM and PBL
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