الإنتاج البحثي لأعضاء هيئة التدريس بالكلية V.8 - Flipbook - Page 5
attitudinal factors and student grades alone, while expectations are significantly influenced by
demographic factors (ethnicity, gender, school type, parent occupation). Parental expectations are
influential in shaping student expectations but not student aspirations. The alignment of high
aspirations with high expectations were determined by parental expectations, student grades and
attitudinal factors. It appears that parental expectations play a critical role in bringing together high
aspirations and high expectations. These results, the implications of the research and suggestions
for future research are discussed further.
Khattab, N.; Madeeha, M.; Modood, T.; Muthanna S.; & Barham, A. (2022). Fragmented career
orientation: the formation of career importance, decidedness and aspirations among students.
International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 27(1), 45-59,
The study aims to examine the formation of and interrelationship between career importance,
decisiveness, and aspirations among students. The data used in the study came from the ‘School
experience, educational aspirations and scholastic achievement in Qatar’ survey 2018-2020
(SEEASAP). A sample of 841 students aged 12–14 was used for the analysis. The results of this
study showed that the future career orientation among young people tends to be fragmented and
incoherent. Believing in the centrality of work and employment in one’s life does not necessarily
help young people become more certain about their future career or boost their career aspirations.
The results also showed that career importance, decidedness and aspirations are shaped by different
factors providing further evidence for the incoherence of young people’s future career orientation
in times of greater insecurity and instability. The theoretical implications and limitations of this
study are further discussed throughout.
(3) Khattab, N.; Madeeha, M; Samara, M; Modood, T.; & Barham, A. (2021). Do educational
aspirations and expectations matter in improving school achievement? Social Psychology of
Education. 24 (5), https://doi.org/10.1007/s11218-021-09670-7
The main objective of this paper is to examine the role of students’ aspirations and expectations in
affecting school achievement among 7th and 8th grade students in Qatar’s schools. The study draws
on data collected in Qatari schools from a randomly selected sample of 841 students and their
parents. The findings indicate that students’ educational aspirations have a stronger effect on
students’ school performance when compared to students’ educational expectations, even when
controlling for demographic factors, school attitude, and parental expectations. This finding directly
contributes to the debate in the literature about the relative importance of aspirations and
expectations, while also confirming what other studies have suggested- that the meaning and the way
in which both aspirations and expectations operate is contextually relative. Context plays a
significant role here, and consequently, leaves the debate over what matters more, aspirations or
expectations, widely open.
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