الإنتاج البحثي لأعضاء هيئة التدريس بالكلية V.8 - Flipbook - Page 27
that for it to be perceived as a positive experience, the current model of professional development
for ELTs may need revising. We propose a paradigm shift from a traditional “one size fits all” CPD
model towards a more dynamic and interactive style of teacher development that facilitates both
personal reflection and professional discourse among teachers. It is argued that such a shift would
prove a considerable step forward for English language teaching in this country.
(28) Chaaban, Y., Du, X., & Qadhi, S. (2021). Student teachers’ perceptions of factors
influencing learner agency working in teams in a STEAM-based course. Eurasia Journal of
Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 17(7). https://10.29333/EJMSTE/10978
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(29) Yousef, W., Al Qadhi, S., & Du, X. (2021). Enhancing STREAMS design for student
teachers in a Problem Based Learning (PBL) setting. Journal of Positive Psychology and
Wellbeing, 5(3), 1521-1532. ISSN 2587-0130
To achieve Qatar's vision for 2030, Qatar's educational direction is moving enthusiastically towards
implementing STEM-based curriculum integration. Qatar's Vision for 2030 is based on striving for
development at all levels, especially human development. Qatar University's (QU) vision is aligned
with the 2030 vision. QU is seeking to build up students-teachers teaching philosophies, which can
be reflected on their daily lesson plans of STEMS and STEAM as these approaches have proven
their effectiveness in other developed countries (" Qatar university," 2019).
However, little to no research has been done to study the attitudes and perceptions of applying preservice teachers in Qatar to implement the STREAMS approach to encourage reading and writing
among schools. Facing these challenges, the student's teacher's preparation program is encouraged
to implement PBL as an innovative instruction to teach the students' teachers about a different
aspect of the STREAMS approach. Higher education courses tend to teach education theories and
best practices passively with little effort to assist in learner assimilation of those theories in practice.
The project-based learning (PBL) approach was introduced in pre-service education at Qatar
University. PBL was introduced as a foundation of good instruction when planning and using the
STREAMS approach (Science, Technology, Reading, Engendering, Arts, Maths, and Social).
(30) Qadhi, S. (2021) A Systematic Review (SR) AND META-ANALYSIS (MA) Related To
Trainer Competencies in Higher Education Institution (HEI) In Gulf Countries. International
Journal of Current Research. Vol. 13, Issue, 12, pp.20067-20089. DOI:
In higher education, the trainer required some essential competencies. The term competence is
understood as skills, knowledge, and characteristics that enable tasks to be carried out effectively
and objectives to be accomplished effectively in a given role in the context of the organization's
strategic goals. The study's primary purpose is to understand the ongoing educational reforms
aiming to facilitate student competencies demands clarification, development, and evaluation of
what competencies are required for teachers, university instructors, and trainers. Methods: The
present study was carried out as a systematic review and meta-analysis. This review adhered to
guidelines set by the PRISMA statement for systematic reviews and meta-analysis. We
systematically searched Google Scholar, ERIC (education), Scopus, ProQuest, EBSCO HOST,
Sociological Abstracts (sociology), and Psych INFO (psychology) with the appropriate key terms
databases to identify eligible articles on trainer competencies in HEI with the appropriate key terms.
Heterogeneity in effect sizes was assessed for the single-level analyses using Cochrane's Q for
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