الإنتاج البحثي لأعضاء هيئة التدريس بالكلية V.8 - Flipbook - Page 179
(18) Konukman, F., Filiz, B., & Unlu, H. (2022). Teachers’ perceptions of teaching physical
education using online learning during COVID-19: A quantitative study in Turkey. PLOS One,
17(6): e0269377
This quantitative study aimed to determine physical education teachers’ (PETs) perceptions of
online physical education (OLPE) during the COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey. Methods: An OLPE
teaching survey during the COVID-19 was used, comprising PETs’ opinions on OLPE teaching as
well as the advantages, disadvantages, difficulties, and suggestions for OLPE teaching. A
significant difference by gender was identified in the individual approach to student learning,
greater student independence, and ongoing monitoring of student results for teachers, parents, and
students. In addition, a significant difference was found by gender in the difficulty in implementing
the core curriculum content as well as by school type in the lack of proper home equipment, absence
of or limited Internet access, and problems with connecting the computer, tablet, or smartphone to
the Internet. Moreover, PETs stated that OLPE teaching is not only the best way to transfer basic
information, but it also gives them an opportunity to learn digital technology by devoting time for
research for self-improvement. However, they stated that students do not perceive OLPE as a
lesson, as student participation is lacking. Moreover, there are deficiencies in students' socialemotional development. They also stated that the content of the lessons was insufficient, and they
were unable to make the lesson interesting. PETs’ suggested recommendations included enriching
the course content, increasing the lesson time, developing a new curriculum, and creating a platform
to access course resources.
(19) Afrouzeh, M., Konukman, F., Muazu Musa, R., , Suppiah, P. K., Abdul Majeed, A. P. P.,
& Razman, M. A. M. (2022). Kinematic Variables Defining Performance of Basketball Free-Throw
in Novice Children: An Information Gain and Logistic Regression Analysis. In: Ab. Nasir A.F.,
Ibrahim A.N., Ishak I., Mat Yahya N., Zakaria M.A., P. P. Abdul Majeed A. (eds) Recent
Trends in Mechatronics Towards Industry 4.0. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol
730. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-33-4597-3_86
(20) Konukman, F., Tufekcioglu, E., Erdogan, M., Gumusdag, H. & Yilmaz, I. (2022). Teaching
Plyometric Socer Drills to Children. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 93(1),
Considering the concerns that exist related to the risks and effectiveness of the plyometric training
for children, the purpose of this article is to provide practical and developmentally appropriate
teaching guidelines and examples of plyometric exercises to promote active and healthy lifestyles
as well as athletic achievement in children.
(21) Filiz, B., Konukman, F., & Tufekcioglu, E. (2022). Teaching Core Training Exercises for
Children During COVID-19. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 93(4), 50-52>
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