الإنتاج البحثي لأعضاء هيئة التدريس بالكلية V.8 - Flipbook - Page 172
seemed to negatively impact running performance, vertical jump, and aerobic capacity after
adjusting for body height and mass. We can speculate that both body mass status and the ratio
between the amount of body fat and lean mass plays a major role in developing athletes. BMI
measurement does not allow to properly discriminate between fat and lean masses, and as such is
a poor predictor of physical performance-related variables in handball players. More focus should
be given to multi-factorial variables to broaden the exploration of intra- and intercorrelation
between physiological and anthropometric characteristics, like %BF and physical performance.
(8) Hermassi S, Hayes LD, Bragazzi NL, Schwesig R. Physical Fitness and Academic
Performance in Normal Weight, Overweight, and Obese Schoolchild Handball Players in Qatar: A
Pilot Study. Front Psychol. 2021 Jan 13;11:616671. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.616671. PMID:
33519640; PMCID: PMC7838153.
This study aimed to investigate the relationships between physical fitness and academic
performance in youth handball players of different BMI classifications. Thirty-three male handball
players (age: 10.3 ± 0.61 years; body mass: 47.1 ± 12.1 kg; height: 1.43 ± 0.09 m; BMI: 23.1 ±
4.37 kg/m2; body fat: 20.6 ± 6.27%) were recruited from the Qatar handball first league and were
assigned to their BMI age-adjusted groups (i.e., normal weight, overweight, and obese). The present
study compared physical fitness and academic performance, as a factor of anthropometry in
handball playing children. Throwing performance and aerobic capacity were not different between
BMI groups. Obese children had superior medicine ball throw performance whilst the normal
weight group exhibited the best jumping and agility performance. These data can be used to
generate body-weight specific reference data for schoolchild handball players, coaches, and
trainers. Future studies with larger sample sizes and additional parameters (e.g., lean mass) are
required for confirmation of our preliminary observations.
(9) Hermassi S, Sellami M, Salman A, Al-Mohannadi AS, Bouhafs EG, Hayes LD, Schwesig
R. Effects of COVID-19 Lockdown on Physical Activity, Sedentary Behavior, and Satisfaction
with Life in Qatar: A Preliminary Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Mar 17;18(6):3093.
doi: 10.3390/ijerph18063093. PMID: 33802891; PMCID: PMC8002716.
This study examined the effects of home confinement on physical activity (PA) and life satisfaction
during the COVID-19 outbreak in Qatar. A total of 1144 subjects participated (male: n = 588;
female: n = 556; age: 33.1 ± 11.1 years; mass: 76.1 ± 16.4 kg; height: 1.70 ± 0.11 m; body mass
index (BMI): 26.1 ± 4.44 kg/m2). Online survey questions considered “before” and “during”
confinement. Besides stresses inherent to the illness itself, results from the PA COVID-19 survey
revealed a deleterious effect of confinement conditions on PA and significantly increased sitting
time. These observations have repercussions that could aid development of PA guidelines to
maintain health during COVID-19 and subsequent pandemics. Furthermore, these preliminary
results confirm the risk of psychosocial strain during early COVID-19 home confinement in 2020.
Therefore, to mitigate negative psychosocial effects of home confinement, implementation of
national and international initiatives focused on social inclusion is strongly suggested. Increased
psychosocial strain triggered by enforced home confinement should encourage stakeholders and
policymakers to implement a crisis-oriented interdisciplinary intervention to mitigate the negative
effects of restrictions and to foster an active and healthy confinement lifestyle (AHCL). Finally,
given that present findings are founded on data from a heterogenous population without subsample
analysis, further research is warranted to identify subpopulations at greater risk of COVID-19
confinement measures. Identification of such populations would allow for better informed and more
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