الإنتاج البحثي لأعضاء هيئة التدريس بالكلية V.8 - Flipbook - Page 121
ﻋﺎطﻒ ﻣﺴﻌﺪ اﻟﺸﺮﺑﯿﻨﻲ.د
أﺳﺘﺎذ ﻣﺸﺎرك ﺑﻘﺴﻢ اﻟﻌﻠﻮم اﻟﻨﻔﺴﯿﺔ – ﻛﻠﯿﺔ اﻟﺘﺮﺑﯿﺔ – ﺟﺎﻣﻌﺔ ﻗﻄﺮ
(1) Mahasneh, R., Elsherbiny, A., Ghbari, T., & Hammouri, M. (2024). Navigating Cyberbullying: A
Cross-National Study of Forms and Responses among University Students in an Online Learning
Environment. Journal of Social Studies Education Research / Sosyal Bilgiler Eğitimi Araştırmaları
Dergisi, 15(3), 229–256.
The ubiquity of cyberspace has resulted in a surge in reported cyberbullying cases globally. Despite
numerous studies investigating the impact of cyberbullying on students, research addressing its
prevalence in the Middle East remains scarce. This exploratory study aims to assess the prevalence
of cyberbullying among university students in six Middle Eastern countries: Jordan, Egypt, Iraq,
Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Qatar. The study seeks to identify common cyberbullying forms and
examine students' responses to each, considering variations based on gender, year of study, study
discipline, and country. A descriptive approach is followed to achieve the study objectives. A
random sample of 2,642 students (1,887 female) participated in the study by completing an online
survey about their experience with seven forms of cyberbullying, and the strategies they used to
deal with each. A relatively low prevalence of cyberbullying is found among the sample, with
57.6% reporting that they never experienced any form of cyberbullying and 20% reporting
experiencing cyberbullying only once. The most common forms of cyberbullying were exclusion
(56%), harassment (51%), and flaming (44%). While differences in the prevalence of cyberbullying
are found according to gender in two forms, stalking and flaming, no statistical differences
according to study discipline are evident. Students in their later years are more likely to experience
all forms of cyberbullying than students in their early years (p < 0.05). The differences are
significant across countries, with Jordan being highest, followed by Egypt then Kuwait.
Selfdefending and confrontation are found to be the most common responses to cyberbullying.
Overall, the sample reported using active responses to cyberbullying more than passive responses.
Females and students in the arts and humanities are more likely to respond actively to cyberbullying
compared to males and students enrolled in science disciplines (all p < 0.05). The findings of the
study provide a better understanding of the prevalence of this phenomenon in the region and assist
stakeholders in planning preventive strategies.
اﻟﻨﻤﻮذج اﻟﺴﺒﺒﻲ ﻟﻤﻈﺎھﺮ اﻟﺰواج واﻟﻨﯿﺔ واﻻﺗﺠﺎه ﻧﺤﻮ اﻟﺰواج.(2023) أﺣﻤﺪ، اﻟﺒﮭﻨﺴﺎوي، ﻋﺎطﻒ، واﻟﺸﺮﺑﯿﻨﻲ، طﮫ،( ﻋﺪوي2)
ﺳﺒﺘﻤﺒﺮ21 ﻣﻘﺒﻮل ﻟﻠﻨﺸﺮ، ﻣﺠﻠﺔ أم اﻟﻘﺮى ﻟﻠﻌﻠﻮم اﻟﺘﺮﺑﻮﯾﺔ واﻟﻨﻔﺴﯿﺔ،ﺑﺎﻟﺴﻌﺎدة واﻟﺼﺤﺔ اﻟﻨﻔﺴﯿﺔ ﻟﺪى ﻋﯿﻨﺔ ﻣﻦ طﻼب ﺟﺎﻣﻌﺔ ﻗﻄﺮ
طﮫ ﻋﺪوي.ﻟﻼطﻼع ﻋﻠﻰ ﻣﻠﺨﺺ اﻟﺒﺤﺚ ﯾﺮﺟﻰ اﻟﺮﺟﻮع اﻟﻰ ﻣﻠﺨﺺ اﻟﺒﺎﺣﺚ اﻟﺮﺋﯿﺲ د
(3) Fakhrou, Abdulnaser; Adawi, Taha; Ghareeb, Sara; Elsherbiny, Atef; Al-Falasi , Maryam
(2023) Role of Family in Supporting Children with Mental Disorders in Qatar. Heliyon ,9,9(8):
e18914. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e18914.
ﻋﺒﺪ اﻟﻨﺎﺻﺮ ﻓﺨﺮو.ﻟﻼطﻼع ﻋﻠﻰ ﻣﻠﺨﺺ اﻟﺒﺤﺚ ﯾﺮﺟﻰ اﻟﺮﺟﻮع اﻟﻰ ﻣﻠﺨﺺ اﻟﺒﺎﺣﺚ اﻟﺮﺋﯿﺲ د
ﻣﻛﺗب اﻟﻌﻣﯾد اﻟﻣﺳﺎﻋد ﻟﺷؤون اﻟﺑﺣث واﻟدراﺳﺎت اﻟﻌﻠﯾﺎ ﺑﻛﻠﯾﺔ اﻟﺗرﺑﯾﺔ