الإنتاج البحثي لأعضاء هيئة التدريس بالكلية V.8 - Flipbook - Page 100
اﻟﺴﯿﺪ ﺣﺴﺎﻧﯿﻦ.ﻟﻼطﻼع ﻋﻠﻰ ﻣﻠﺨﺺ اﻟﺒﺤﺚ ﯾﺮﺟﻰ اﻟﺮﺟﻮع اﻟﻰ ﻣﻠﺨﺺ اﻟﺒﺎﺣﺚ اﻟﺮﺋﯿﺲ د
(16) Alshaboul, Y. M. K., Alazaizeh, M. A., Al-Dosari, N. F. N. B. (2021). Differentiated
Instruction between Application and Constraints: Teachers’ Perspective. European Journal of
Educational Research, 10 (1), 127 - 143. www.eu-jer.com
This study aimed to investigate the degree to which teachers in Qatar implement differentiated
instruction as well as the impact of years of experience, qualifications, grade, school subjects and
training on teachers' use of differentiated instruction. Also the study tried to explore the obstacles
impeding the application of differentiate instruction. The study targeted all early childhood teachers
(1,836) in 99 Qatar public schools spreading across the country. A random sample of 236 teachers,
accounting for 12.9% of the population participated in the study. Following the mixed approach,
the researchers used questionnaires and interviews to collect the data. The results showed no
statistically significant differences among the respondents in the degree of application of
differentiated instruction due to training and qualifications; however, statistically significant
differences were detected in relevance to years of experience, grade, and the subject being taught.
The study also found an agreement among teachers on the obstacles they face during their
application of differentiated instruction, most notably the teaching load, class size, and time. The
study concluded with recommendations for education providers, teachers and
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