Agroforestry för svenska förhållanden 2024 - Flipbook - Page 75
can transform our landscapes and cities into nutritious
and sustainable environments. A reassessment of our
forestry practices is necessary to meet the challenges
of the climate crisis. With this as guidance, we can
shape a future where our edible landscape flourishes
in harmony with nature.
Pannkaka på mjöl av äkta kastanj och ekollon. Recept: Anna
Mårtensson. / Pancake made from sweet chestnut and acorn
flour. Recipe: Anna Mårtensson.
Sweet chestnuts!
Tanninerna i ekollon tas bort genom urlakning i vatten.
Ju mindre bitar, desto snabbare går urlakningen. Dessa är
rostade. / The tannins in acorns are removed by leaching in
water. The smaller the pieces, the faster the leaching process.
These are roasted.
Sweet chestnuts (Castanea sativa) are rich
in complex carbohydrates, making them an
excellent food for the winter months. They are
also said to be good for the gut, circulation,
nervous system, attention and memory as they
contain fibre, protein, iron, B vitamins, folic
acid and mineral salts. In addition, they are
a gluten-free alternative and do not contain
I framtiden har vi kanske skogar med inslag av nötträd
så som äkta kastanj och ek, med bete under, så som i
Sydeuropa. På bilderna matkastanj och fjällnära kor på
In the future we may have orchards
with nut trees combined with grazing,
as in southern Europe. Photo: Sweet
chestnut forest, Le Casine, in Tuscany
grazed by goats, except for the threeweek harvest period. The goats eat
the left-over chestnuts and keep the
vegetation down. Regeneration of trees
is done by self-seeding. The plants to
be preserved are fenced off to protect
them from grazing.
Kastanjeskog som betas av getter, med undantag för
den tre veckor långa skördetiden. Getterna äter lämnade
kastanjer och håller nere vegetationen. Föryngring av
träd sker genom självsådd. De plantor man vill bev-