Agroforestry för svenska förhållanden 2024 - Flipbook - Page 61
“Having many different cash crops
on the farm is a way of increasing
the overall economy of the farm, of
having many strings to your bow.
It will be important for the farm’s
economy in the future, with
a changed climate.”
- Anders Lunneryd, Lundens Gård, Sweden, citation
from the film “Agroforestry on Arable Fields”.
Hanna Jönsson, Skogsträdgårdens växter, Höör.
forestry system (see funding opportunities at the
bottom of the section).
Establish your system gradually, field by field or
row by row, so as not to lose too much profitability.
Grow perennial or annual crops in the tree rows,
so that they can be harvested before the trees become large. However, this could inhibit the growth
of the trees if the other crops are competitive.
Budgeting your agroforestry system
The easiest way for you to make a budget for your
future agroforestry system is to start with your current
operation as a basis. How many hectares of crop or
pasture do you have, and how many hectares of
agroforestry will you establish? Once you’ve decided
how many hectares of agroforestry you want on your
farm, it’s time to make financial calculations to see
how your finances will change over time. Figure 1
provides an overall picture of how you should make
your economic calculations. This is also described in
detail below:
1: Differentiate your activities into different production
systems. A production system is any product sold on
your farm, such as crop production, milk and fruit or
timber from your agroforestry system.
2: Estimate the annual volume of production and prices for each production system to know your expected
generated revenue.
3: Estimate all variable costs for the crop, livestock
and trees for each year. Variable costs in agriculture
include fertiliser, seed, diesel and pesticides. Variable
costs related to the woody perennials include establishment, stem protection, staking and tying, irriga-
tion, pruning, pest and disease control and harvesting. Some of the variable costs of the agroforestry
system will vary over time. For example, the costs of
establishment, construction of irrigation infrastructure,
trunk protection, poles and ties are mainly in the first
year, although trees/shrubs may need to be added
over time, while costs related to harvesting and processing of harvested products will only occur after a
few years. Costs related to pruning and control of
insects, fungus and weeds need to be done over
many years, but the need also varies between years
depending on whether the climate is favourable for
certain insects, fungal infestations or weeds.
4: Subtract the variable costs from the revenue to
get your gross margins.
5: Add up all the gross margins for each production
system to get your gross margin for the whole farm.
6: Subtract fixed costs, labour, machinery and rent to
get the net profit for the whole farm.
Äkta vallört bidrar med biomassa och
är omtyckt av pollinerare.
/ True comfrey provides biomass and is
appreciated by pollinators. “Boat in the
forest - Harbour for radical nomads”,