Annual report and accounts 2023 - Flipbook - Page 35
Strategic Report
Non-financial information statement
The information presented here and throughout the
report, as cross-referenced to the right, complies with
the requirement under sections 414CA and 414CB of
the Companies Act 2006 to provide information on
certain non-financial matters. Our Responsibility Report
provides the required information in relation to content
on environmental matters, our employees, community
issues and social matters, as well as setting out our
non-financial metrics. Our business risks are included
within our Risk Management section. The Responsibility
Report also complies with the Streamlined Energy and
Carbon Reporting (SECR) requirements as required by
the Companies (Directors’ Report) and Limited Liability
Partnerships (Energy and Carbon Report) Regulations
2018. We have complied with the requirements of
Listing Rule 9.8.6R by including climate-related financial
disclosures consistent with the Task Force on Climaterelated Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations
and recommended disclosures.
It is the Group’s policy to conduct all of its business in
an honest and ethical manner. It is committed to acting
professionally, fairly and with integrity in all its business
dealings and relationships wherever it operates.
The Group is a UK Living Wage accredited employer.
The Group publishes its Modern Slavery Act
Transparency Statement annually. This explains the
steps that we take to seek to ensure that there are
no incidents of modern slavery within the business
and our supply chain, in accordance with the UK
Modern Slavery Act 2015. The Board reviews the
Group’s operational, legal and compliance framework
to prevent modern slavery in its supply chain, which
includes employee training, contractual terms and
conditions, and due diligence processes.
The Group’s Anti-bribery and Corruption Policy (ABC
Policy), available on the Group website, emphasises
the Group’s zero tolerance approach to bribery and
corruption. It sets out the Group’s responsibilities, and
of those working for it and parties acting on its behalf,
in observing and upholding its position on bribery and
corruption in compliance with applicable laws, and
provides information and guidance to those working
for the Group and parties acting on its behalf on how
Corporate Governance
Cross reference (within Annual Report
& Accounts unless otherwise stated)
Environmental matters • Responsibility Report – We respect the environment
Page reference
Pages 39 to 53
• Business model
• Responsibility Report – We act with integrity
Pages 8 to 9
Pages 34 to 38
Social matters
• Business model
• Responsibility Report – We support health living
• Responsibility Report – We give back
Pages 8 to 9
Page 54
Page 55
Non-financial metrics
• Responsibility Report – Non-financial KPIs
Page 32
Business risks
• Risk Management
Pages 62 to 69
Business model
• Business model
Pages 8 to 9
• Responsibility Report – SECR reporting
Pages 52 to 53
• Responsibility Report – TCFD disclosure
Pages 44 to 53
ABC Governance
• Audit & Risk Committee Report
Pages 85 to 88
Supplier controls
• Responsibility Report – Sustainable sourcing
Pages 43 to 44
Policies & Procedure
• Including Supplier Code of Conduct (Human Rights),
Modern Slavery Statement, ABC and Employment
Protection Policies
to recognise and deal with bribery and corruption
issues. The ABC Policy is clearly communicated to
all employees and ABC training is provided to all
employees on induction and on a regular basis
thereafter. The Group maintains an anti-bribery and
corruption register, which records details of corporate
hospitality, and gifts given and received by employees
over a specified value. The Group’s international
department undertakes appropriate due diligence on
all third-parties acting on its behalf and maintains a third
party anti-bribery and corruption register. The Audit
and Risk Committee reviews the effectiveness of the
Group’s anti-bribery systems and controls, reviews and
approves the Group’s ABC Policy on an annual basis.
No bribery and corruption issues arose during the year.
There is currently no specific human rights policy in
place however our Supplier Code of Conduct, available
on the Group website, sets out the minimum standards
we require our suppliers to meet, including human
rights, and forms part of their contractual commitment
to us. As a UK business, we comply with the full
spectrum of employee protection legislation. We
believe our existing policies ensure the rights of our
own employees are respected fully and our robust
supplier controls provide assurance when considering
human rights impacts beyond our direct control.