UniSA Graduate Alumni Booklet 2023 - Flipbook - Page 8
What happens now.
Actions for today
In preparation for your next steps, don’t forget to complete the two
actions below. This will ensure you have the latest access to alumni
benefits, career services, library journals and more.
Graduation Ceremony.
A day of celebration.
You’re first day as an alum of UniSA.
You are now part of the worldwide
alumni community.
Action: update your email
address to receive alumni
invites, news and updates.
Receive your Alumni Network e-Card to
access benefits, the libraries and online
Receive face to face career support,
including help with your resume, job
applications and interview advice.
Exclusive for all UniSA graduates
It takes two minutes to update,
just click on the QR code.
Get that Job!
Action: Join LinkedIn
and Facebook groups to
network with your peers.