Wellbeing Report 2024 v.02 (1) - Flipbook - Page 16
Case study
Alison has a diagnosis of autism and sensory processing
disorder. Alison went to residential school about 2.5
hours away from her family and took part in many group
activities at the school, enjoying family holidays and was
once in a school play. Alison has always struggled with
managing her reactions to aversive sensory experiences
and would self-harm or become aggressive to others
when she could not cope with noise, crowds, change of
plans or make herself understood.
Alison moved to Active Prospects following an urgent
placement breakdown following substantial repeated
property damage. She moved to her own bungalow with
2 staff supporting her through the day and night. Alison
quickly became popular with her staff team, however it
took a couple of years to really understand her and get
her support plan right for her.
*Names have been changed.
During this time Alison continued to be unsettled and
in 2021 hit crisis, causing substantial property damage
and needing to be moved urgently twice. Since then,
following a period of sensory integration therapy, a
change in approach and a committed stable team,
Alison has had 2 years without any incidents.
She is now horseriding, swimming, growing vegetables
in her garden, has attended large group events, has
been to London and Brighton on the train, goes to
the gym and has lost weight. Alison loves having her
hair done at the local salon and doing amazing works
of art. Alison is an inspiration to all of us at Active
Prospects and teaches us all that taking the time to
gain understanding and getting support right can
change everything.