2025 March Canopy and Impact Report - Flipbook - Page 1
Verdant Health Commission
2024 Community
Impact Report
News from Verdant Health Commission
serving South Snohomish County
Message from Verdant’s Board President - Karianna Wilson
At Verdant, we are passionate about ful昀椀lling our mission, “To improve the health and wellbeing of our
whole community.” As a public owned, public hospital district with an elected board of 5 commissioners, we
strive to be stewards of health ensuring a full range of acute hospital and outpatient services for residents
of South Snohomish County. Verdant owns the hospital campus in Edmonds on highway 99 and leases it to
Providence-Swedish. Lease revenue from the hospital, and the other Verdant owned properties is the major
source of funding that we use to support the health and wellbeing of our community. In Verdant’s recently
announced 2025-2028 Strategic Plan, we have re昀椀ned our priorities to focus on investing in nonpro昀椀ts that
provide access to direct healthcare services, and child, adolescent, and young adult mental health.
We also act as a convener and connector with almost 100 nonpro昀椀ts serving our community with a focus on
building new collaborations that support the residents of South Snohomish County. Annually, we invest in
more than 50 organizations that serve thousands of residents in our diverse communities. On the following
pages, you will 昀椀nd more details about these dynamic partnerships and stories of impact.
Our Commissioners
Verdant Health Commission is governed by a board of 昀椀ve commissioners, each elected for a term of
six years by the registered voters in Public Hospital District No. 2, Snohomish County.
Karianna Wilson
Carolyn Brennan
Deana Knutsen
Bob Knowles
Jim Distelhorst MD
2024 Community Impact Report