Hephzibah Magazine - June - Flipbook - Page 1
June 2024
The time has come when, as God opens the way, families should
move out of the cities. The children should be taken into the country.
The parents should get as suitable a place as their means will allow.
Though the dwelling may be small, yet there should be land in
connection with it that may be cultivated.
Ellen G. White AH 139.4
I am convinced that the advice from God via His servant is still as
relevant today as it was in the 1800s. In fact, it is more important to
follow the advice since our world is even more corrupt and our times
are even more dangerous.
There is no better training ground than the country. Being close to
nature gives everyone an excellent opportunity to learn about God,
understand and love Him, and daily commune with Him. The parables
of Jesus come alive and are better understood in the country, in
nature. This is where Jesus taught, and it is still the perfect environment
for shaping young, impressionable minds.
Children need country living since in the city or suburbs, they are
surrounded by evil influences that want to steal their attention and
affections. As parents, we are raising children for eternity and not just
for life on this planet. We want our children to live with Jesus in
Heaven, and then on the New Earth. Parenting is about shifting our
focus from creating successful young people in the world9s viewpoint
to raising successful young people who will finish the work and hasten
the Lord9s return.
If country living is combined with diet, entertainment, and education
reforms, then this combination will make a powerful antidote to the
poisonous mindset of this world. The complete life change will cleanse
the mind and modify the tastes over a period of time. It creates an
environment where the Holy Spirit can bring about character
modification. So even if you do not believe in the imminent return of
Jesus Christ, the countryside is still the best place to raise your family.
Editor Pastor Robert Hines
Email info@WildernessSurvivalCamp.com