AF00173901 Tweed Heads South Public School NRS-3829-11-[14-7892]-14-7892 - Flipbook - Page 1
46861 7.53
Box 422, P.O.,
Lis more
The Secretary,
Education Department,
Tweed Heads South - Establishment of
Primary School.
Tweed Heads is a flourishing seaside town
which joinsCoolangatta at the Queensland Border.
Development northwards has been. s. oectacular and the
"twin towns" are the centre of one of he foremost
all-the-year tourist districts in Australia. The
population rises at Tweed heads have been such as to create
a very worrying accommodation problem at the Tweed Heads
Central School. The Presbyterian Hall has been obtained
as from 31st Janue_ry, 1953 .at a high rental in an endeavour
to cope with expected enrolments. The projected work of
converting two classrooms and of providing, a double classroom
unit foremetalwork purposes at Tweed Heads Central School
has not yet commenced. The conversions are . shortly to
be carried out• as a . programmed work (maintenance) and the
double unit is held up for funds.
Development to the south of Tweed Heads has been
heavy becertHe bPe northern side has reached saturation point.
It is considered that no further buildings should he placed
on the Tweed Heeds Central -School Site. Enrolments are
expected to be. 210 infants, 245 Primary, and 201 secondary
pupils at Tweed Heads Central in 1956. • They must be
accommodated in 9 classrooms, a•Home EconoLdcs room, a
combined Manual Training-Science roam and the rented hall/s
:eeitioned herein. It has - been necessary to teach sewing in
a dressing-roam annexe, which is small and ill-shaped.
It is considered that the time has arrived when
the pressure on the Tweed Heads Central School must be relieved,
particulaEay as the . elating of e second hall has been
recommended. Ho other hails are available for renting at
Tweed Heads and the finding of accommodation for a married
teacher would not be en easy task.
Earlier tae Depai-tment sought dedication
of portion 219 of 20 acres at Tweed Heeds South intended for
second ary education purposes, but it is now consi f ered that .at
least part of this area sholll be made available for primary
school purposes. The Lends Department has recently been asked
to state if the whole of portion 219, which is located on the •
main road to Tweed Heads (Pacific Highway), is likely to be
made available and, if not, the minimum area the Departm ent
might be expected to secure.