1EitiefRON DTYPE OF SCHOOL - High.1l'AlgOF SCHOOL - BrokenPOST TOWN - Broken Hill.IPI IMPiiti *I•2r:Lie.jDATE - 12/6/40.FROM Mr. Williqm Pilians, Headmaster.PERMANENT or TEMPORARY - Permanent.DATE OF ENTRY INTO SERVICE - 23 - 1 - 1907.To B.C.Harkness Esq. M.A. Chief Inspector of Schools at Sydney.SUBJECT - Report on two pupils attending this school.SCHOOL DEPARTMENT - Secondary.I have to report that Ettore Giovanni Epis ( generally knownJohn Epis ) 19 years, and Esterino Mazzei 18 years, pupilstending this school, are both unnaturalised Italians but madeplication last week for the necessary papers to apply forOel.ectie„5naturalisation.The parents of both boys are naturalised andhave beenallowed to continue working at the local mines after producing theirnaturalisation papers.Both boys commenced attendance at this school on 4th February1936 and are now in 5th Year. Epic has been a Prefect since thebeginning of his Third Year Course and at the beginning of this yearwas elected Boys School Captain.Yesterday, after it was known that Italy had declared waron Great Britain Epis handed me a signed statement in which he wrotethat he felt that he should temporarily relinquish his positionsasSchool Captain and Prefect.I accepted this resignation but intend to re-instate Epic inthe above positions as soon as his naturalisation is completed. Wouldyou please advise me without delay if you desire any different actionto be taken.
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