4%St. 1959APPLICATION FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A 14:1:Eutuu-- SCHOOLAT731,yrt-z-e--t.)Post numDateTHE11-7,—/c,„undersigned, on behalf of the residents at4-4:erequest that a }ailowitieffal School may be established at that place, in accordancewith the 22nd section of the Public Instruction Act of 1880.•14j .ie;€7"ttCy/40W._-977- R-7,44of tile residentsL./irs•s'On behalfC °rel‘-'1."frlY/49v14-A•4 /9/dr.&eezezz4do?/0 • /t.L.THE UNDER SECRETARY,DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION,SYDNEY.
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