AF00101479 NRS-3829-11-[14-7864] Tamworth High - Flipbook - Page 1
1-arch 10-46
Yr. Ireland
"he Principal,
liT •
:77 ,777‘ fT1
Dear Sir,
As requested I ha.'/e inspected the property in Carthage
Street, 7_mworth, previous?:.• oimed by Yrs. Buckley, and
find the repairs necessary for immediate occupatin as a
Girls' Hostel as—under:The nrorerty is in splendid repair. Structurally
sound fl)ors and roof in good order. The position
is ideal for the pur-rose, end havirw been previously
altered and used as a Boys' Hostel reouires very
little immediate alteration before occupation.
I would suTest that the oh le of the exterior work
be painted including front fence, 7Tith the exception
of bac7.< enclosed portion.
Internally:- All rooms calcimined nd ceilin-s
pained one coat. "-ce cedar doors, stairs and skirtin['s
are in rood. order and reou ire no at- ention at this
stage. I orou d recommend on overhaul of all elec:ric
light fittings and ins- a7lation generally, reconstruction of bathroom urst-irs with the addition of one
new bath. The addition of one 1_) -throom on back
verandah for the sta2f. 7econstr-ction of kitchen with
ne sin' and drainer. Me present hot water system
co:-- d be enlarged as fund3rermit.
A brick .)ciditi n at fr nt resuires attention and if would
suggest two tie rodd to the two end piers. A future
programme '2ou:d include the attanA_on to all ground
lay-out. Surface draining, brick retaining wall to
tennis court, out buildins will need a tention at this
stage. 7: see no reason Thy the occupation should -he
held un if the items mentioned in the Previous portion
of this report are attended to.
I have no heittion in reconrendinF, the purch-se at
the figure quoted as I find it a sound business rroposition from every angle. The Froundsin this rositjon