BP 11122023 129pm - Flipbook - Page 99
In order to be effective in fulfilling their responsibilities as members of the Finance Council,
members should have a love for the Church as well as a thorough understanding and working
knowledge of the parish’s mission, goals, structure, demographics, and other resources. It is the
pastor’s responsibility to give the members appropriate background and enrichment as well as
appropriate access to financial data and supporting information. New members should be given
an orientation to their role and education that supports their work, including the provision of
these Parish Finance Council Guidelines; archdiocesan statutes and policies regarding temporal
issues and other financial matters; and any parish internal-controls and financial policies,
personnel policies, administrative policies, and Finance Council policies. Council members
should be given clear performance expectations and be held accountable for attendance at
meetings, participation in stewardship activities, committee service, and involvement in ministry
program activities, as applicable.
The Finance Council is about the life of a community of faith, so its members ordinarily should
be practicing Catholics. The pastor uses his discretion in selecting reputable, qualified members
from the parish community. Since the Finance Council is advisory to the pastor, it is
inappropriate for him to be listed as a