BP 11122023 129pm - Flipbook - Page 93
subscription. Consider including this as a responsibility of your MSP and ensure that it is
included in the contractual services. There are many, many low-cost alternatives out there to
protect the PC. Some options to consider are:
CloudCare Managed Antivirus 3 1-Year Subscription (techsoup.org)
3.3 Identify which church/mission/campus center/school employees and 3rd-party service
provider employees have access to the main credentials (passwords; keys; rooms; etc.).
IMPORTANT: Parish/mission/campus center/school employees need to control all credentials
(usernames; passwords; etc. of common equipment such as switches, firewalls, servers, etc. - and
be informed of any changes). NEVER should this information be solely handled by a third-party
group). Each individual’s job responsibilities should be review for ensure there is proper
segregation of duties before access to the credentials are granted.
3.4 Document how is access to data handled: stays on workstations, on site servers or cloud
servers designated for Church/mission/campus center/school use.
3.5 If USB drives and personal computers are utilized, establish how they are tracked. Consider
blocking the use of USB drives and see 4.1 Backing up files for further discussion of risks
related to these devices. If not blocked, consider enforcing virus scan of devices each time
accessed. Simple cloud backup subscription services such as IDrive® : Cloud backup solutions
for home and business or Cloud backup solutions for home and business | Carbonite are much
better/safer options than using portable devices with may malfunction or become infected or
3.6 Password guidelines should be documented in the IT Policies and Procedures, enforced
through application and IT resource controls as may be possible.
Strong password tips:
✓ Are