ERG Toolkit1 (1) - Flipbook - Page 9
Level 2: LIT Affiliated ERG
Annual Dues: $2,500
If the company, agency, or organization is an active LIT member: ERG Level 2
member dues are $500.
This level is for ERGs that are ready to fully integrate with the Latinos In Transit
umbrella, using the "Latinos In Transit" name in their official ERG title. ERGs will
follow a **chapter model** and benefit from being an official part of the LIT
Use of the trademarked Latinos In Transit ERG name.
Full integration under the LIT ERG model.
Access to national programming and designated membership benefits
for up to 25 ERG Members.
Strategic marketing and programmatic guidance from LIT.
1. Apply for affiliation with LIT.
2. Submit a name, mission statement, bylaws, and strategic plan for
3. Submit a yearly plan by January 15 and an end-of-year report detailing
activities and finances.
5. Ensure compliance with state mandates and agency approval for ERG
6. Be responsible for annual dues, fundraising, and financial management.
7. Participate in ERG programming and send representation to the annual
Leadership Summit.
employee resource group