BP 11122023 129pm - Flipbook - Page 81
Sample Community Outreach Ministry Charity Policies and Procedures
The purpose of this document is to provide a parish community assistance ministry a road map
for developing policies and procedures for charitable giving. The ministry should tailor this to
meet the needs of the parish, keeping in mind the Archdiocese guidelines, federal and state laws.
Name of Ministry:
Purpose/Mission of Ministry:
Governance: identify the core team who will oversee the ministry in addition to the Pastor and
Parish Treasurer. Determine how large you want the leadership team. This may be determined by
the size of your parish and the expected number of individuals expected to be served. The size of
the core team can change over time.
Those Served: There are an abundance of individuals to serve in every community. Your
mission will help determine those you wish to serve. Examples of charitable classes include:
homeless, homebound, those experiencing financial hardships, divorce or separation,
Budget: Establish both a gross and case-by-case budget annually during the budgeting process.
Determine the maximum amount the ministry is to provide to one recipient. Setting limits will
allow the ministry to help more individuals and set a precedent. Make sure there is a clear
understanding between charity and private benefit to the recipient. Consider limiting repeat
assistance, which can also lead to private benefit. Exercise prudence and good judgment.
Fundraising: Document in general how your ministry will be funded.
Selection criteria: Describe what makes an individual eligible for need-based assistance from
your ministry, essentially you need a vetting process. Sometimes this can be obvious, but other
times it’s not. With each individual, ask: Do they fit in the criteria that the parish has identified
within the purpose of the community outreach program?
Record Management: document an organized approach for record management and case
history on recipients of funds. The case history should include (1) name, address, (2) amount
provided, (3) purpose of funds, (4) manner of selection of individual and (5) relationship (if any)
to ministry members, council members, employees, and parish board members.
Form of Charitable assistance: examples include payments to third party vendors on behalf of
the individual in need, in kind gifts of food and supplies, gift cards.
Process for Monitoring: describe what procedures for monitoring the use of funds
Community Partners: List. Examples: St Vincent de Paul, pregnancy center, food bank, etc…
Strategic plan: What areas do you want to address in 1-3 years? 3-5 years?