August EWJ 24 - Flipbook - Page 80
Fatima Jama
Fatima joined Mountford Chambers in October 2023.
As a second six pupil, she now accepts instructions in
all criminal matters and looks forward to developing
her practice.
Prior to commencing pupillage, Fatima worked at the
Financial Conduct Authority primarily in the Enforcement and Market Oversight Division as an Appointed Investigator in the Wholesale 2 department.
Fatima was then promoted to the Primary Market
Oversight department, where she had a brief secondment at the Critical Guidance and Primary Market
Monitoring team before moving permanently to the
Market Integrity Unit for the duration of her time..
Fatima also worked as a business crime and regulatory
paralegal where she worked on the defence of the Serious Fraud Office’s case for one of the defendants suspected of EURIBOR manipulation and assisted on
regulatory matters investigated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority and the Bar Standards Board. During her time as a criminal caseworker at two separate
criminal defence solicitors’ firms, Fatima managed a
diverse caseload including historic sexual offences, terrorism, firearms, fraud, drug and violent offences and
conspiracy matters..
Mr Jason Coyne
Forensic Computer System Examiner / IT Dispute Resolution Consultant
Jason Coyne is an expert information technology (IT) and digital forensics consultant with over 30 years’
experience spanning local and central government, telecommunications, construction, transport, manufacturing,
healthcare, energy, oil and gas, wholesale and distribution, retail and gaming. He specialises in technology disputes,
digital evidence and technology-based intellectual property (IP) matters.
Jason has given oral evidence in the Technology and Construction Court (TCC) as well as various High Courts,
Criminal Courts, mediations and arbitrations in London, Brussels and Johannesburg.
He has been instructed as Technology Expert Witness in many high-profile private and public sector commercial
litigations where technology-enabled projects have either been delayed, have failed or are no longer viable. Jason
has been instructed by leading law firms and insurers, acting for specialist suppliers and customers in large
technical, infrastructure and outsourcing projects in the UK, South Africa, the Middle East and Asia.
As an experienced PRINCE2® practitioner and project turnaround consultant, he has managed hundreds of
challenging and problematic technology projects to successful implementation, involving design, testing and project
management. Jason is also experienced in digital forensic examinations of evidence stored on a wide range of
media, from microprocessors to tapes to computer hard drives, mobile phones, business databases and
cloud-based technologies. He is skilled in the use of EnCase®, X-Ways and a range of forensic tools and is Health
and Safety, Technology and Management (HASTAM) accredited for the analysis of risk in business operations.
Tel: +44 (0)7976 528 324 - Email:
Area of work: Worldwide