GBL Phase 4 Dossier - Flipbook - Page 8
Social Services:
The Greater Bernard Lodge Development will feature several social services provided
by various Ministries, Departments and Agencies of the GoJ. Most of these social services
to be provided will be in close proximity to the UTC, namely SO3, SO4a, SO4b and SO4c.
Whereas the exact nature of the social services is still to be ûnalized, priorities will be given
to health and security as key aspects of societal needs.
Rail Terminal Block & Commercial Centre (Mall):
A section of the Development Block: MU3, will be reserved for the use of a rail system.
This service is expected to connect to the major regional centres and would be comprised
of a retail mall and other commercial centres. It is to be noted that the implementation of
a rail system would be the subject of a separate proposal and for which a wider policy
decision is expected to be made by the GoJ. Please note that the railways system is
managed and regulated by the Jamaica Railway Corporation (JRC). The JRC is a statutory
body established under the Jamaica Railway Corporation Act, 1960 and has sole
responsibility for the operation of rail services in Jamaica.
Bus Terminal
The plan is expected to include the development of a bus terminal within the UTC. The bus
terminal is expected to house approximately 60-80 buses and taxis offering transportation
service to the surrounding areas. It will provide for convenient trans-modal travel.
Furthermore, it is expected to have covered comfortable and secured waiting facilities with
proper way ûnding facilities to ensure local and visitor user satisfaction. Additional parking
is expected to be provided to support a park and ride service. Preliminary projections
indicate an approximate pass through of 30,000 passengers daily and gradually increasing
during the medium and long term.
Please note that Jamaica Urban Transit Company (JUTC), an agency of the Ministry of
Transport and Mining, is the exclusive provider of public transit services in the Kingston
Metropolitan Transit Region (KMTR). The JUTC delivers public transport services seven
days a week. The operations of the JUTC spread across various depots in the KMTR 3
Spanish Town, Portmore and Rockfort. Additionally, the Transport Authority, which operates
under the Ministry of Transport and Mining, may approve other public passenger licenses to
private individuals to provide services to persons living and working in Greater Portmore
area. Those public passenger vehicles may also use the Bus Station facility.