RPV CLOSED SYSTEMREUSABLE PLASTIC VALVE (RPV)The RPV Closed System is designed for Returnable/Refillable andOn-Site Refilling programs. The RPV Closed System offers analternative to the RSV Closed System while providing the flexibility*FILLUP TOGPM49RSV Fill Coupler- Available with EPDMor Viton Seals.of interchanging RSV Stainless Steel Couplers and ContainerValves to best serve different operating and applicationenvironments. This feature allows for standardization of a 4 keyClosed System for drums and IBC’s.The RPV Container Valve comes with a 1 year warranty and cannotTamperEvident Capbe rebuilt. The Composite Dispense Coupler offers a unique onepiece probe and locking capability to keep DEF Closed, Sealed &Secure. The Composite Dispense Coupler comes with a 1 yearwarranty and can be rebuilt.RPVContainer Valve- Available withdifferent threads.Down Tube- For DrumIf you are looking to streamline operations, the RPV ClosedSystem is an effective option to “Go Closed” on any containersthat are OPEN and/or to transition from the EPV Closed Systemand simplify the end-use operations with a standardized 4 key55 Gallon - DrumContainer Valve and Coupler System.For Returnable, Refillable & On-Site Refilling Programs* Water at ambient temperature.8
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