Strategic Plan 2022 FINAL option 1 - Flipbook - Page 8
Goal 1 – Maintain Financial Stability
Goal 2 – Build & Maintain Relationships to Support Effective & Efficient Government
Goal 3 – Provide an Excellent Customer Experience
Goal 4 – Create a Culture of Performance Excellence
Goal 1 – Maintain Financial Stability
Objective EG 1.1:
Ensure a minimum of 5% operating reserves beginning each fiscal year for
unforeseen expenses or natural disasters. (Reserved for contingencies.)
Objective EG 1.2:
Achieve an amount equal to 3/12 of annual operating expenses in fund
balance for liquidity and security. (Reserved for future use.)
Objective EG 1.3:
Ensure the county maintains or exceeds an AA bond rating.
Objective EG 1.4:
Create a vehicle and IT replacement fund(s) and a fleet internal service fund
to monitor and alleviate potential competition for General Fund dollars.
Objective EG 1.5:
Create capital preservation fund(s) to identify and isolate prioritized projects.
Objective EG 1.6:
Successfully complete the Board of County Commissioners portion of the
Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) for financial transparency
and accountability.
– Measures on the following page.
8 – Fiscal Year 2022 Strategic Plan