Mercuria CSR Report 2020 - Flipbook - Page 8
This responsibilities report has been prepared by Mercuria as a communication tool
to allow us to engage with our stakeholders in a transparent way about our activities
around the globe. We aim to set out our standards and provide information about
how we perform against them and to be transparent about where we do not. The
data provided in this report considers all of Mercuria’s activities and the activities
of companies and assets where Mercuria has operational or management control
and / or owns a majority stake. We continue to improve our data and have been
able to include more information this year on the company’s Greenhouse Gas (GHG)
emissions, including for the first time numbers from our non-ocean transportation.
This year we are reporting the GHG emissions from our chartered vessels as scope
3 emissions, in line with the GHG protocol guidelines, as we do not have operational
control of these vessels. The data that we provide in this third report is the data for
the 2020 calendar year. This report can be supplemented with further information on
our policies and associations which can be found at
We have continued throughout the past year, despite the lockdowns around the
world, to engage in a constructive way with our many stakeholders. We feel that
continued dialogues between ourselves and our many stakeholders is important to all
parties to ensure that issues are fully understood and addressed by all parties. The
many stakeholders with whom we engage include governments, Non Governmental
Organizations (NGOs), financiers, business partners, communities, the media and our
peer companies. Where appropriate we participate in industry initiatives, industry
associations, working groups and support published guidelines.
Throughout this report we will provide information about how Mercuria is contributing
to the energy transition and explain the part that we can play in this important
transition to a world of cleaner fuels. Mercuria has set itself some internal targets
to progress our support of Agenda 2030 and specifically to address climate change.
We will discuss these targets in some detail and our thoughts about how we intend
to meet them. Mercuria prides itself on setting high benchmarks and standards in
relation to responsible trading as a commodity trader, we are pleased to discuss with
you throughout this report how our company sets and achieves these standards and
how we work towards becoming a market leader in this regard. Our asset portfolio
is diversifying to mirror the changing world and its changing energy resources as we
strongly believe that with these challenges come opportunities.