Paper Technology International 2024 - Journal - Page 79
5. Ink-Jet Printability
In today’s digital age, paper manufacturers must also
consider the printability requirements of modern ink-jet technologies.
Low cationic starches demonstrate great ink-jet printability, making
them an ideal choice for modern of昀椀ce environments and digital
printing applications. Their superior interaction between the low
cationic starch and the anionic inkjet inks ensure that the ink
is effectively absorbed and immobilized on the paper surface
(Picture 2), resulting in sharp, vibrant prints with minimal feathering
or bleeding (Picture 3). The enhanced print quality achieved with
low cationic starches allows for precise and accurate reproduction
of text, images, and graphics with high colour gamut, meeting
ambitious standards of ink-jet printing. Whether for black and
white or multicolour printing, low cationic starches offer great ink
absorption and drying characteristics, enabling fast printing speeds,
and may enhance productivity. Paper manufacturers can rely on
low cationic starches to deliver great print results that satisfy the
demands of today’s dynamic and fast-paced printing industry.
Picture 3: Enhanced contour sharpness with low cationic
Picture 2: Low cationic surface sizing starch 昀椀xes the anionic
dye on the paper surface and de昀椀ne the diffusion of the ink on
the paper.
In conclusion, low cationic starches used in surface sizing provide signi昀椀cant advantages to paper
mills. Our CiSize™ low cationic starches are designed to help improve paper surface strength,
reduce ef昀氀uent loads, and help to minimize stock losses. In addition, it is possible to replace
expensive cellulose 昀椀bre by 昀椀ller without necessarily sacri昀椀cing quality. These starches tend to
improve overall paper quality and offer a comprehensive solution that combines environmental
bene昀椀ts with economic ef昀椀ciency. With their positive impact on the papermaking process and inkjet printability, low cationic starches are a valuable instrument for achieving optimal results in the
industry. A valuator calculation tool is available to declare and de昀椀ne cost saving potentials.
Andreas Voigt,
Technical Account Manager for Cargill Paper & Board