Local Dark Money - Flipbook - Page 75
PAC managers an easy method to make
political money laundering activities even less
subject to legal consequences.
There are other questionable aspects of Legal
Reform Now’s finances.
Legal Reform Now accepted a contribution
from the SuperPAC Right to Rise, which
violates election law. The money was returned.
Legal Reform Now was closed with a $128,341
deficit. As an ECO (Electioneering
Communication Organization), the committee is
prohibited from using a credit card. Why the
Payments to Florida Municipality Accountability
Project are unusual. Florida Municipality
Accountability Project is a non-profit listed on
Guidestar with Glenn D’Lima as the principal
ocer. The address provided on Guidestar is
2830 Norwood Lane, Venice, FL, 34292. This is
the same address for Robbie’s LLC, and other