BP 11122023 129pm - Flipbook - Page 72
kids are free, we would issue a ticket to every adult who purchased a dinner (double ticket roll
used and one half of the ticket pair given to the purchaser. When the event is over, count the
funds under dual control identifying funds by denomination/type, include the starting ticket
number (example 24501) and ending ticket number (example 24578) obtained by looking at the
tickets that have ½ sold resulting in 77 sold spaghetti dinners time the $5 rate to calculate
expected revenue of $385 on the income remittance form. Any cash advance for the petty cash
box should also be included in the income remittance form (example $50). Thus, the expected
amount to be counted and placed in the tamper resistant bag is $435 ($385 plus $50). In some
cases you may actual turn in $460 or $430. The $460 may represent excess donations as a couple
paid for two meals but gave a $20 and said keep the change. It could also mean that the tickets
were not consistently given during the cash receipt process. If the deposit is short, it could me
money was misplaced/taken or the wrong change was given. Issues in missing funds could result
in changing the volunteers who work the cash receipt table.
VOLUNTEER SCREENING 3 contact the Safe Environment Office at 404-920-7550 for
proper procedures on screening volunteers working with the festival, especially those that will be
assisting with the accounting / money count procedures, off duty policemen hired for traffic
control, etc. https://archatl.com/ministries-services/safe-environment/
INSURANCE 3 involve Catholic Mutual’s Claims/Risk Manager, Alex Hagan, as necessary to
make sure that the property, and staff are sufficiently prepared for all situations that might arise,
particularly of an emergency nature. Alex Hagan’s phone number in the office is 404.920.7375.
Alex will also assist with you in confirming that any vendors that may be involved with your
festival are appropriately and fully insured.
This document was prepared for parishes who are looking for structured policies and procedures
for hosting parish festivals. As you identify additional items that should be included as guidance
for others, please forward any suggestions, changes, etc., to the Internal Audit Manager in the
Finance Office. https://archatl.com/offices/finance/staff-and-contact/ Thanks and good luck!