Issue 38 Summer web 23 - Flipbook - Page 71
First Glass Solutions
Difficult access to a job doesn’t rule out using structural glass. We’ve installed glass in some very
challenging situations including inside historic buildings, a penthouse apartment on the ninth
floor of a building or jobs that involved lifting the glass over the top of the building.
If we need to let the crane take the strain we’ll managed
all the logistics, including risk assessment and health and
Ensuring that our structural glass fits accurately, especially
in challenging heritage environments is key to the overall
success of the project.
Opening up roof spaces in lofty churches is a useful way
of increasing internal space without increasing external
footprint. But it can mean that stained glass windows designed to be well out of reach are suddenly accessible and
vulnerable to damage.
Chichester Cathedral wanted to ensure visitors could see
the Roman remains that lay under the South Aisle. Not
only did the glass panel have to be robust enough for constant foot traffic it also needed to provide access and allow
air circulation to the mosaics.
Installing a bespoke glass panel across the front of the window will protect the glass without detracting from either
the beauty of the original design or the light flow.
Ion Glass designed a walk on panel that is hinged along
its entire length, combined with gas struts to assist opening and stay bars for additional safety. Read more...
Accurate measurements are essential! Whilst the old
adage measure twice, cut once might suffice for many
building materials, we need to go once step further. We
use digital measuring techniques for a flawless result
around stone corbels, hand hewn wood, intricate
brickwork and ancient floors.
Sometimes it’s the smaller, niggly challenges that provide
a disproportionate level of satisfaction. As part of a much
bigger project a client wanted a bath screen for an overbath shower in a small bathroom.
Conservation & Heritage Journal