ERG Toolkit1 (1) - Flipbook - Page 7
ERG communications should align with LIT's national messaging and brand
standards. Digital materials are preferred to reduce costs, though printed
materials may be obtained from the LIT National Office for a nominal fee.
Suggested Communication Guidelines:
1. Publicize all LIT meetings and activities.
2. Keep a current list of media contacts and communication platforms
(company newsletters, social media, etc.).
3. Forward all newsletters, releases, and publications to the National Office for
approval and support.
Financial Management
If the ERG group maintains its own finances, ERG groups are responsible for
maintaining open financial records and preparing for annual audits. Each group
must reconcile accounts annually and report to LIT’s National Office. If allowed by
their agency, ERGs may open a checking account, requiring two signatures for
any withdrawals.
employee resource group