CNC Report 08.26.24 8.5x11 - Flipbook - Page 7
For the past 50 years, the landscape of innovation has been dominated by
suburban corridors of spatially isolated corporate campuses, accessible only
by car, with little emphasis on integrating work, housing, and recreation. A new
urban model is emerging; in these areas, sometimes referred to as Innovation
Districts, anchor institutions and companies are situating themselves strategically,
connecting with technology companies, business incubators, and creatives. These
districts strive for density, walkability, and easy access to various transit options,
retail and restaurants, and mixed-use development.
This project aims to reimagine Middle America’s aging commercial corridor
building stock as a conduit for 21st-century community building. Resilient
communities in this century must connect people, they must use design
excellence to provide local, specific solutions (problem-solving, place-making),
and they must establish feasible approaches to combat climate change. By
combining subtle shifts in conventional approaches to commercial development
and design, this project envisions a locally authentic, resilient, and accessible
future. Additionally, how qualitative and measurable urban design strategies can
reduce carbon impact comprehensively at the district scale. This inquiry and
exploration creates a path for a more resilient and healthy future in our reimaged
communities. With this in mind, we began with three questions:
1. How can a community shape a healthier future for the neighborhood
they live in?
2. What steps can a person take to be incrementally impactful towards
a carbon neutral future?
3. How can the current systems of development and city planning be
disrupted to create better places for people?