24-06 - Flipbook - Page 7
Jue 2024
(monetary crimes, prohibitions against
teaching the full 3 Angel's messages, etc.),
which has led to the organization of
independent movements and home
churches to move forward with the work.
Pray for God's church in Africa.
* 3 Souls received baptism after 2 weeks of
outdoor meetings
* Since March, Kenya has been subjected
to catastrophic flooding. This activity was
still ongoing during my stay there, but
throughout the entire 2-week campaign (I
was involved for only the last week), God
miraculously prevented the rains from
interrupting the meetings except for 1
night, when the meetings were
I have received requests for additional
ministry opportunities in the future at both
locations. We have a call to conduct a
campaign and training in Zambia this fall.
Please note the following appeals:
"If there was ever a time when sacrifices
should be made, it is now. Those who
have means should understand that now
is the time to use it for God. Let not means
be absorbed in multiplying facilities where
the work has already been established.
Do not add building to building where
many interests are now centered. Use the
means to establish centers in new fields.
Think of our missions in foreign
countries. Some of them are struggling to
gain even a foothold; they are destitute of
even the most meager facilities. Instead of
adding to facilities already abundant,
build up the work in these destitute fields.
Again and again the Lord has spoken in
regard to this. His blessing can not attend
his people in disregarding his instruction."
Pamphlets 004 - An Appeal for Missions1898, p. 7
"Brethren and sisters, would that I might
say something to awaken you to the
importance of this time, the significance of
the events that are now taking place. I
point you to the aggressive movements
now being made for the restriction of
religious liberty. God9s sanctified memorial
has been torn down, and in its place a
false sabbath, bearing no sanctity, stands
before the world. And while the powers of
darkness are stirring up the elements from
beneath, the Lord God of heaven is
sending power from above to meet the
emergency by arousing His living agencies
to exalt the law of heaven. Now, just now,
is our time to work in foreign countries. As
America, the land of religious liberty, shall
unite with the papacy in forcing the
conscience and compelling men to honor
the false sabbath, the people of every
country on the globe will be led to follow
her example. Our people are not half
awake to do all in their power, with the
facilities within their reach, to extend the
message of warning." 6T 18.2
In obedience to these admonitions, we
have invested our own means and
equipment, in addition to the funds we
have received from our donors so that
God's work can go forward as it
desperately needs to in these last days of
relative freedom. Please prayerfully
consider what you can contribute. We
have multiple ways you can do so, which
will be disclosed below, but…
We have another ministry contact that we
have been supporting in India (We initially
met him and his family at our very first
overseas mission in 2010). His latest mission
itinerary resulted in4ARE YOU READY FOR
THIS?4some 350 Assemblies of God
pastors and their congregations (each
congregation containing from 40 to 300
members) have begun observing God's
Sabbath, and are now receiving fuller
instruction in the 3 Angel's Messages!
the SDA Church. I have the privilege of
providing some of this instruction to them.
God is doing wondrously, and this came
about from a $100 donation our ministry
sent him. Our dollars can accomplish so